Twenty One Pilots is an American musical duo founded in 2009 by singer Tyler Joseph along with Nick Thomas and Chris Salih, who both left in 2011. Since their departure, the line-up consists of Joseph and drummer Josh Dun. The duo is best known for the singles “Stressed Out”, “Ride” and “Heathens”.
The band independently released two albums, Twenty One Pilots (2009) and Regional at Best (2011), before signing with record label Fueled by Ramen in 2012. Their label debut, Vessel, was released in 2013. The duo achieved breakthrough success with their fourth album, Blurryface (2015), which featured the hit singles “Stressed Out” and “Ride”.
Twenty One Pilots’ fifth studio album, Trench, was released on October 5, 2018.
10. Heavydirtysoul
9. Jumpsuit
8. Migraine